Java Dr Road Diet
With the encouragement from our advocacy, the city council voted unanimously on 11/30/21 to approve this project. Construction finished in Spring 2023
With the encouragement from our advocacy, the city council voted unanimously on 11/30/21 to approve this project. Construction finished in Spring 2023
If you want to help with future advocacy efforts, please become a member of the Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition and join Bike Sunnyvale.
If you want to help with future advocacy efforts, please become a member of the Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition and join Bike Sunnyvale.
The City of Sunnyvale did a road diet on Java Dr to convert the 2 outer traffic lanes of Java Dr into buffered bike lanes. This is a fantastic project that will make biking much safer and enjoyable in Moffett Park!
The City of Sunnyvale did a road diet on Java Dr to convert the 2 outer traffic lanes of Java Dr into buffered bike lanes. This is a fantastic project that will make biking much safer and enjoyable in Moffett Park!
This project
This project
Improved access to nearby bike lanes, the Borregas Bridges, businesses in Moffett Park, Baylands Park, VTA Light Rail Stations, and the Bay Trail.Â
Installed bicycle detection at signalized intersections
Permited safer turning for cyclists, avoiding vehicular conflicts
Increased safety for existing cyclists and encourage new cyclists to ride. Increased cycling takes cars off the road, reducing traffic.
Built on the multi-modal transportation focus of the Moffett Park specific plan
Made it safer to cross the street (pedestrians will only have to cross 2 lanes of traffic instead of 4)